How to Recover From Burnout

Image by Лера_K from Pixabay

What is Burnout?

I didn’t know what burnout was until I experienced it in 2017.

Before that, I knew what fatigue was. I knew stress, exhaustion and depression but I didn’t know what burnout was.

It was so severe that I remember falling on my bedroom floor, incapable of moving or getting up. If I didn’t have my late husband to pick me up back then, I would have probably stayed there forever. This was my lowest point.

In other words, burnout is when your mind and body refuse to cooperate.

It’s a radical shut down.

I could see some signs coming. I was tired all the time, ratty or tearful. My body was aching and tense. I had lost motivation for most things. My to-do list was full of duties that didn’t bring any joy…

All the signs were there, yet I ignored them. Instead, I pushed my mind and body to the limit until I collapsed like a computer with too many windows working at the same time. I crashed.

Did I learn from that experience? Nope.

Not long ago, I surcharged my ‘computer’ with too many files again.

For instance, I was flooded by emails and demands coming from right, left and center (and of course they were all urgent) and I had to do home school at the same time. My mistake was trying to keep up. So I started burning the candle at both ends. To the point that I jumped out of my skin each time I heard a phone notification.

I was like a hamster on a running wheel, or a ‘busy bee’. You know busy, busy, and then SWAT! WALLOP!


The Universe has a way to send you the same message until you get it. My first burnout, I didn’t get it. I recovered with the help of skilled practitioners and went back to the running wheel.

Luckily this time, I saw the signs coming.

While in a conversation with a dear friend of mine, as I was lethargic in front of her, I said: ‘I think I’m having a burnout’. She replied: ‘Surrender. Surrender to your grief. Surrender to your fatigue. Surrender to your sadness’.

As soon as she said it, I saw the word ‘surrender’ everywhere, in everything I was reading, videos I was watching…

The message was very clear: I had to surrender.

How do you surrender?

There are many books written on the art of surrendering. There are also YouTube videos, and blog articles… yet I couldn’t find anything that could help me to surrender.

So how do you do it?


Stop the running wheel. Stop running. Don’t do anything. STOP.

Yes I know, the world needs you. It has always something urgent and important for you to do. The world is also full of dead people. Wonderful souls who died of stress (cancer) and/or exhaustion (heart attacks).

Therefore, the world will have to wait. Nothing that you can do is worth your well-being. If you’re not well, you can’t help the world.

Don’t worry; the blue planet will still spin without you, at least for a few days.

Then, concentrate on what is really important – for me it was two questions: How can I be a better parent? And what is the most important in my schedule (in other words, what’s bringing food on my table)?

Subsequently, it helped me to reorganize all my ‘urgent’ demands. In my case, it was taking more care of my children who are mourning their father and to focus more on my students and clients.

Prioritizing is the key. You can’t do everything. Acknowledging that is the beginning of recovery. 

So what are your priorities?


When I stopped the motion, something happened. I cried for days. I was finally facing my loss. Working non-stop had been my way to escape the pain.

What are you running away from? Or what are you running towards?

Therefore face your pain, your fears and let your emotions out. Crying is not a negative emotion. It detoxifies the body and improves the mood.  

In short, get it all out.

Similarly, you may try for a week or two, to write on a journal, today I feel… and fill the blank. It will help you to stay connected to your inner self


There aren’t many ways to get your energy back. Get some sleep. 

Sleep affects stress hormones, but also our immune system, our weight,  our blood pressure and cardiovascular health. 

Therefore, try to go to bed earlier and get 8 Hours of sleep. It will make a whole difference.


Why are you going through a burnout (again)?

Why are you keeping yourself so busy?

What are you trying to avoid?

The inspiring Julia Cameron says in her book The Artist’s Way: ‘We are very often working to avoid ourselves, our spouses, our real feelings.’

That’s when it clicked: I’ve been busy numbing myself with work. I was avoiding dealing with my grief. Stopping everything forced me to face my loss.


How many commitments on your calendar fall under the category of ‘should’s’ and ‘must’s’?

On your death bed, do you think you’ll say something like ‘I wish I had worked more?’ or ‘I wished I answered all my emails on the same day?’

Let go of some of your obligations and replace them with something fun, joyful, and loving.

Having a rest can make you feel guilty or nervous. In our society, unfortunately, we feel valued by the work we do. But doing something nice for yourself will actually help you to work better and have a better life.

Don’t skip the signs. Have a rest when you need it.

Rediscover what the words ‘Joy’ and ‘fun’ mean.

Thank you for reading dear friends. Folded Hands on Google Android 11.0 December 2020 Feature Drop

This post is dedicated to my soul sister Joy, who always shares with me her wisdom and guides me on my path.

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