10 Characteristics That Successful Writers Have In Common

Is there a secret path that leads to a successful career? Do you need to be some kind of genius to make it in your field? Or is it just that some people are more lucky than others?

In my career, I had the opportunity to meet very successful people and even though they were all from different backgrounds or did different things, I noticed they all share the same characteristics that make them incredibly successful.

1- They Take 100% Responsibility for Their lives

If they fail, they don’t blame anyone for their fall. They take full responsibility. They never point a finger at someone for their mistakes. They ask themselves: ‘what did I do wrong?’ ‘How can I rectify this?’ ‘What can I learn from this setback?’ or ‘How can I improve myself’? And If they don’t like a situation, they review their strategy and move on.

2 - They Are Reliable

When they say ‘yes’, they mean it. They show up on time and assume their choices even if the result is not what they expected. They don’t mess people around. They know that time is a precious gift. They don’t like wasting it and they don’t waste others’ either.

3 - They Make Quick Decisions And Take Immediate Action

They don’t go into analysis paralysis. If they fail, it’s not a big deal for them because they see failure as a way to learn and grow. They also know that they need to take drastic action in order to achieve what they want. They also have have strong methods to fight against procrastination. See post: 7 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

4 - They Are Authentic And Respectful

They are honest, respectful and authentic. What you see is what you get. They surround themselves with people with identical values. Respect is important for them and they honor any kind of people regardless of their background. They are good listeners and curious about others which make them exceptional writers too.

5 - They Are Givers

They are generous people. When they give, they give with all their heart and don’t ask for anything in return. They have a real wish to help or inspire people. They are never jealous of others’ success either. In fact, they are very happy for them, they encourage people to succeed because they know that creating a Mastermind group will help them to grow further in their career.

6 - They Love What They Do

It’s like the old saying: ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life‘. They work everyday and are happy to do so. Their mind is always working. They find inspiration everywhere. Life, for them, is exciting. They are enthusiastic in everything they do.

7 - They Don't Suffer Fools

They have values and stick to them. When someone crosses their line, they’re out! They don’t suffer fools. They don’t justify themselves and don’t feel they have to either.

8 - They Show Up Everyday

They show up every day. Even when they’re not feeling like it, whether they are tired, sick or just can’t be bothered. They are confronting the reality of their demands. People might think that they might have some kind of supernatural powers or something, they don’t. They simply  persevere and work harder than others. They always push their own limits to attain their goals.

9 - They Are Positive People

There is a positive vibe about them, you feel good around them. They never criticize others. They know that on this planet, everybody is doing the best they can and therefore they don’t judge people if they are not on the same level of understanding than them. They know that everybody here is ‘in becoming’ to quote Dr. Cha-Zay. Their minds are too busy creating, they don’t have time for negativity.  You are either a Creator or a Critic.  They have chosen their camp. They have decided to change the world not to look at it.

10 - They Face Their Fears

They know what scares them. They consider their fears and decide to do something about it. They confront them instead of avoiding them. Once they’ve gone through them, they feel good about themselves and that’s why we think they have so much confidence. See post: Face Your Fears And Create Amazing Characters.

Wishing you all great success in your career!